3 Quotes & Sayings By Chris I Naylor

Chris I. Naylor is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, and coach who specializes in helping people from all walks of life to achieve success. He is the founder of How to Be a Millionaire Mindset, a personal development company that offers one-on-one coaching for those interested in achieving success. In addition to his career as a career coach, he is also a professional speaker and radio show host Read more

He has been featured on many radio shows including Dr. Laura and The Dave Ramsey Show, as well as on television programs such as Good Morning America and CNN News.

The grass on the other side of the hill may...
The grass on the other side of the hill may well be greener, but you should always check that there isn't something with teeth and claws crouching in it. Chris I. Naylor
A politician has an axe to grind With which he aims to chop off half your mind. Chris I. Naylor